
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother’s Day 2012 - Poem

Another chance to honor your well-worn status!
How about a marching band bearing a Clematis?
Or maybe with an early morning snuggle,
Sharing nocturnal doings, complete with a giggle.
Followed by a cup of espresso brewed coffee,
Made to decidedly resemble a latte.
How about a walk in the refreshing Spring air,
Celebrating your evolving stamina so fair?
How about lunch at the Purple Parrot,
Selecting from a gluten-free menu containing a carrot?
All the while, let’s savor the mothering role you’ve embraced,
Creating vital nourishment to a blended cast of characters,
All the while making your Hubby grateful and proud!

Happy Mothers Day Sandra
From your Hubby Dear