Our 26th Wedding Anniversary
Time to mark our ever-advancing marital union,
Recording its milestones and accompanying sentiments.
Though our betrothal began in seemingly far-away Cleveland, Ohio,
Our retirement years in Mississippi revealed more fully its hold.
In the face of repeated encounters with the perils of aging,
We’ve sought understanding and peace with our own fragility.
We’ve been blessed beyond all expectations,
Witness to the unfolding of next generation family.
We’ve been blessed by economic security,
Reaping the benefits of windfalls so rare.
Most of all, we’re blessed to have time to drift,
To follow our individual spirits to new encounters.
Time to read the news while sipping coffee so flavorful.
Time to walk and talk, time to process our dream worlds.
Most of all, time to remain intimately connected in mind, body and spirit.
Happy Anniversary, Sandra Dearest
From your Hubby Dearest