
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy Mother-Lena’s Day

An enduring, persevering survivor.  

Third child of ten, of German immigrant parents.

Farming on 700 acres of fertile southeast South Dakota soil,

Fostering responsibilities early and many.

Challenges of sustainability were large and pressing,

Directly shaping her eighty seven year life span. 

Emancipation brought her to Chicago, during the depression years,

Ultimately and fortuitously, landing her in Iowa, in her mid-thirties.

Embracing the challenges of marrying into an existing family of two,

Only to face assorted trials in relating to an ensconced extended family.

Fastidious in virtually every undertaking,

Household management was marked by virtuous cleanliness and dutifulness.

In short order, the Bender Boys Three, were co-created,

Adding to the already present step children, James and Emily.

Lacking a formal education beyond fourth grade,

She became a strong advocate for her children’s educational path,

Resisting her husband’s claim of corruptive influences therein.

Instilling messages her children had potential for a better life,

She created unconscious motivation in them to learn and explore.

Though steeped in strong ties to the Lutheran religion brand,

Her spiritual foundation was marked by authenticity and curiosity,

Endearing her to all who encountered her.

Most of all Mother Lena was MY mother,

Who gave me the foundation for living fully and joyfully.

Nathan John Bender

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