
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Westgate, Iowa Herald Newspaper, circa 1907

“Westgate far-exceeds many towns as a good town to trade in due to our excellent local stores. The farm property as trebled in value. We are fortunate to have the great Chicago & Northwestern Railroad’s freight and mail service. Many towns are too close to the stockyards, wells are contaminated and the best homes in the City are offended by the nauseating odor. Not so in Westgate. We are the heart of Iowa’s best dairy district, with prime pastures, where the best stock and thoroughbreds can be produced. We have wonderful churches and our two-room school pays its teachers the highest wages. The creamery serves 150 milk producers. We take pride in our community and over half the property owners have cement sidewalks. Our farmers and stockmen flourish, as well as artisans and business men. Our fertile acres of prairie land and rich homes and magnificent farms. This is a religious community and we would be proud to introduce you to a group of our manly young men reared in the best homes or to their sisters, a splendid body of of young womanhood worthy of all praise and respect, brought up by their fathers and mothers, pure gold in sentiments that inspire right living. Stranger, you can bring your young people here with full assurance you will be taking them into good influences of a rare old Iowa community noted for its purity of home and social life and the thriftiness and honor of its people.”

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