
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Peace and World Order

"Morphogenetic Systems" spawns from a group of friends and colleagues deeply convicted that there is a new potentiality for existence which can be achieved if we use the right thinking tools and develop ourselves into the higher order of human beings we have the potential to become.

We are convinced our world needs new guiding paradigms. Furthermore we believe these need to be conceived and developed by a network of people -- not a single person, organization or even nation -- for which the Internet provides a medium.

Our intent in this document follows:

To shift the focus of energies of civilized entities to lifting up the efforts of humanity toward pursuing higher order ends through dialogical processes focused on gaining alignment to paradigms which refocus us on ends that regenerate the natural potential of all living system while remembering that the beauty and value of God’s and man’s creations stem from bringing forth their unique essence.

Our goal is to facilitate thinking of the kind that can produce a world of greater conscience and greater hope than we have today.


Being in the throes of terrorism creates a sad state for humanity and one in which there are great tendencies for deterioration in our quality of existence with one another. In this scenario terroriststend to be villains and, once that conception exists, we are led to hunt them down and lynch themmuch as we did in the Old West. We are convinced, however, that we are in the midst of a much greater problem than terrorism; we are jeopardizing the lives of all children everywhere and providing them sadly depleted abodes within which to live.

In this circumstance and from a worldwide perspective we ourselves are thieves, robbing our planet and robbing our children of their future.

It seems evident that we will continue to rob the future of potential as long as we pursue our present societal paradigms of action. In order to stop stealing from the future, we must adopt an aim of working in harmony with the energy fields of our planet and seeking to do this in a way that produces harmony with all our earthly family.

We must guide ourselves and all our institutions to make those changes which are based on seeing our real bank account in terms of harmony with the planet and compassionate relationship between all people. We, the United States and all other so-called developed nations, must move away from seeing our mission in monetary terms and our potency in terms of acquisition and might.

Instead, our real mission needs to be that of enabling our planet and all its systems to regenerate themselves such that they are oriented toward providing all living entities with new and renewing levels of vitality and viability.

And our potency needs to be measured through generating those sorts of processes that go past providing immediate “cures” to, instead, enabling new levels of health and providing everyone, everywhere with evolving capacities to create a higher order existence.


Belief 1 - Our process must culminate with a world family of nations bound together to eliminate terrorism and it must come to guide all our actions such that they show compassion for the citizens of all nations.

In support of this we in our nation need to conduct ourselves so that all nations have faith in us, that we lift up the hope of the common people of those nations and that we show a caring for and about the future of our planet in the interest of all the world’s children.

Belief 2 - When we are in the recession, economies have increased difficulties in focusing on the well being of people. Recessions occur in periods of national and international strife. We need to become increasingly conscious and conscientious about people – and especially the children – of the world. We believe, therefor, that we should create a new and higher order processes for creating foods that contain new levels of nourishment and create a new levels of health processes that provide people new levels of immunity and new levels of stress resistance.

Belief 3 - Humanity’s contemplative thoughts create order and organization to cosmic energies, resulting in paradigms that guide the pursuits of our earthly existence. Through our efforts to obtain these pursuits, this results in an ordering and organization of planetary energies. We can perceive the impact of these efforts on the evolution (or devolution) of our biosphere and in the harmonies or disharmonies generated throughout the human race. There is overwhelming evidence that the biosphere is in a state of degradation and depletion, indicating that we need a radical shift in our cosmic paradigms.

Nevertheless, in regard to seeking harmonious relationships throughout humanity, we have some extremely hopeful signs. We are approaching a state of a common caring for one another between nations. Our hope rests in the quality of collective thought given to taking actions that exercise the greatest stewardship for lifting humanity to a new order of existence.

Discussion of Belief Three:

We humans do not adapt to the world we find as do other animals, we recreate the world to match our own needs and ends. We develop complex systems of governance, management, and development in order to enable ourselves to continuously improve those cosmoses within which we find value. A cosmos is field wherein we develop organized systems as a means to approach their development. We define the parameters for managing these cosmoses in terms of paradigms. These paradigms serve to permit the pursuit of development by providing a conceptual boundary (an artificial man-made perimeter) which provide this cosmology, this cosmos of energy, with the goals and the systemic reinforcement to organize a pursuit of these goals.


Paradigms represent boundary setting thoughts in regard to cosmoses or in regard to relatively permanent systemic efforts of mankind. They bound off the nature of problem that then is addressed in regard to a systemic activity. Many, if not most, of the existing paradigms tend to be misleading in nature because they fail to address the real issues in regard to developing the order and organizing of energies essential to operating in harmony with the evolution of the potential of mankind and the planet. The net result is that they tend to produce entropic conditions wherein run down tends to occur in regard to the inherent natural energies of phenomena rather than enabling processes that are negentropic or run up the potential of natural energies. We need to define fields as not functional , but as interactive energy systems. A field needs to be energic rather than thing like. An energy field is a like nature of energy. We live in energy fields that have a number of different natures to them. Each nature of energy is wholistic.

Current Definition of Cosmos for Developing Agriculture

Direction Paradigm: Individual ownership of land and determination of use of that land by the owner.

Goal Paradigm: To maximize the yield gained from his particular piece of property by planting the crop which gives him the best return.

Instrument: Treat the crops that are grown in a way that reduces the variances of that crop and is maximally stimulating to growth.

Grounds Paradigm: Agriculture fits into the entrepreneurial free enterprise system.

These four define how we currently deal with agriculture. This is the mis-definition of an energy field. The whole thing is based upon false premises. As long as we pursue these paradigms we will continue to deplete the earth. We cut the earth into fields of individual control without regard to the influence on surrounding lands and waters. We use fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides in agriculture with little attention to the broader impact and the longer term consequences. Paradigms related to a chemical means of growth are insidious because these practices deplete the soils making changes to more healthy means difficult.

The momentum of chemically based agricultural expansion has been fueled by the substantial profits made by chemical companies - which have resulted in their desire for expansion along multiple dimensions: expanding to other regions of the globe, inventing and selling new products when the old one’s failed (such as when pests built immunity), inventing chemicals particular to particular kinds of agriculture, genetic manipulation, etc. These business enterprises have managed to expand these paradigms and managing processes of agriculture to many regions of the globe. Because of their global nature, these processes now become of catastrophic consequence and we run a grave danger of poisoning the waters needed by all life forms for life. The paradigms proliferating chemical based agriculture represent a global dilemma. The “developed” part of the world managed to entrench “undeveloped” nations in similar problematic and degenerative practices in order to reap corporate financial reward. Analogy could be drawn with the paradigms by which the developed world has managed and proliferated transportation, housing, health care and other cosmotic fields of human endeavor.

Paradigms to Regenerate the Agricultural Cosmos:

If we were to define the cosmos based on the natural energy fields of nature rather than based on the artificial constructs of unilateral ownership, we would have a much healthier agricultural system. All natural energy systems operate the same way and all are dependent upon vitality, viability and regeneration. The Nile carries the essential nutrients that are inherent to this as an energy system. Once the Nile ceases to be the natural nutrient source of the delta, then the delta will deplete. If we can build the nutrient base of the River, we will improve the nutrient capability of this as an energy system. If we were to try to rewrite these statements so what is appropriate to energies, we would focus on working to improve or develop the nature of the water that supplies the Nile energy system. (Shomberg type work on the water supply) The more that you developed the potential of the water, the more we would enrich the Nile system.

Natural Energy System Paradigms

Direction paradigm: Define a natural energy system and what is essential to building its vitality, viability and evolution.

Goal Paradigm: To increase the quality of living phenomena that is inherently “natural” to the CV to achieving its full potential in regard to the vitality, viability and evolutionary potential in regard to all of the orders of energy that mankind possesses. (eg. Wine growing is natural here and drinking of wine in a communing way)

Instrument Paradigm: Create the educational base and the thinking base that is required to see the energy system that is here and the potential of that energy system such that the inhabitants of the place can create a vision that brings the development of the place into concert with the potential that God created.

Grounds Paradigm: There is an inherency in the way that God and the overall whole has been constructed - such that by engaging in appropriate processes, mankind has the capacity to transcend the limitation of things as they currently exist (eg. we can create a better grape if we worship the grape that we produce)

A cosmos by definition means an orderly system. There are many fields wherein humankind endeavors to develop cosmoses (systemic means of ordering) for our own purposes and in pursuit of our own ends. We would do well to redefine the paradigms of these cosmoses in ways that encourage their development in harmony with the planet and with more spiritual ways of living. We need to develop new ordered systems of agriculture driven by paradigms that engender growing crops that are increasingly healthy for those who eat them and where the growing method enriches the soil for future growth and revitalized the whole of the energy field wherein the crops are grown. We need to develop paradigms for each of these cosmoses (these fields of human endeavor) that relate to how we want as a human race to develop them in the future. We must make sure that our thinking is wholistic and complete and that we foresee the long term and broad social implications of the managing processes that we use. We cannot afford to continue to support the proliferation of chemical based agriculture, of hydro carbon based transportation nor the massive energy and resource consumptive practices across the globe. Dialogue regarding the cosmoses wherein humans develop and pursue ends must be done on a global basis and future direction must be determined and pursued across the globe.

Belief Four: We need to regenerate our managing systems in a way that is in harmony with the generation of planetary energies.

• One aspect of this is to enable entities to fulfill their destiny by realizing their archetypal patterns.

• Another aspect of accomplishing this is to eliminate the hazards that are producing disharmony regarding planetary energies

In order to do this we need to see the relevance of constructing our intelligence based on a body-mind or experiential capacity to see the evolution within a particular energy field such that we continuously build things toward their end-state potential which requires of us the capacity to go through transitions in systemic wholistic valuing.

Discussion of Belief Four

Planetary energies are a good way to look at what we are trying to create in the Middle East because the nature of energy is one of unification and drawing in, it is energy of a centripetal nature. We are trying to figure out what can draw this region together in a regenerative and rebuilding way, a way wherein people are naturally drawn and where they can find pride in who they are as they rebuild this region economically. It needs to be a solution that benefits the populous of the region, not just the wealthy or those in power. If energy of a positive nature provides people with a sense of hope for a better future and faith in the means that is used to produce this, then much of the terrorist activities will naturally be diverted toward this more positive regeneration. It is the frustration and lack of hope that breeds terrorism. It is the feeling of being trapped by an oppressor that leads to acts of terrorist violence. We need to set in motion something that creates a different energy field and a higher order way of life. A new Silk Road might be an idea worth pursuing. What would the goods traded be? What would the mode of transport be? How can we create the Silk Road as a meeting of minds and sharing of ideas as well as a trading of goods?

Activity: Planetarization= Creating an arena within which elevational energies are experienced.


Regenerating an Area of the World: Unless we regenerate the relationships between people, nations and cultures, we will not be dealing with the feedstock for the current aggressive feelings especially between Islamic people and the Western world.


Regenerate the old Silk Road as the soul of the region and as the basis for evolving the unique artistry, religion and philosophy of each of the interconnected nationalities into a magnetic center that elevates humankind’s level of wonder, worship and admiration.


Dialogue Processes

• Maintaining the organized use of energies throughout the world in ways that are harmonious with the regenerative capacities of the planet.

• Developing the higher order energies that are part of the inherent potential of all living systems in ways that are unique to the environment and culture of those systems such that the world is dramatic and not mundane.


Use the cradle where national transaction was first spawned as current space within which we seek to produce a transnational culture which places the interests of understanding humanitarianizing processes first and which engages in the development of morphogenic systems as a means of potentializing the being capacity of all life forms.

Response to First Response:

Cosmic Energy - Seeing the way things are organized and toward what ends makes it much more possible for us to know how to work with them and develop them.

We can see upon examination, that man and nature are organized into systems. For each system there is an overall end and also approximations to this end that the system pursues. The approximations to this end come about by the limited availability of environmental energy to the system.

The cosmic energy available to an organized whole is represented by the area of the cone which shifts with the nature of the overall end. Modification to the pursuit of an overall desired end changes due to shifts in available energy arising in its proximate environment.

Quite frequently as humankind our overall ends for a cosmos (an organized whole which behaves in accordance with the cosmotic energy available to it) are erroneous. They can come about (systems) through lack of rightness or "wholisticness" or defining them to provide self-serving benefits to a limited few.

This can be illustrated by looking at the cosmos related to providing food.

The end in vogue here, relates to creating products (pesticides, herbicides) and bringing about incremental improvements in those products because this approach much better fits our economic machinery.

This erroneous definition of appropriate ends has led to depletion of soil and streams alike.

The Amish tend to do much better because the end against which they spend energy "serving Mother Nature in body and in spirit" is much more appropriate.

Bob Holliday wrote: On September 11th I was in Rome with my wife Joan for a conference in the Vatican titled: "Work as Key to the Social Question. The Great Social and Economic Transformations and the Subjective Dimension of Work." A paper on my experiences of bringing regenerative work into industry, co-authored with a Jesuit theologian expert in Bernard Lonergan, represented the only voice in the conference calling attention to the paradigms we are blindly pursuing, and systems we are accepting. All others seemed locked into the notion of change within an acceptance of the existing order of things. And there were many non-Catholics, 33 countries, international organizations such as U.N., International Labor Orgn. and others present. Engaging people who seemed to resonate with the energy of our paper, they were shocked to even be aware of another option, as well as disappointed that this nature of exploration was not predominant in the conference. And Pope John Paul II's words to us that each of us has a fundamental right to work "at a level of transcendency, transforming reality to always go beyond the results being achieved" seemed lost on the attendees. So the initiation of the Morphogenetic Systems arena gives me great hope that we can bring people to a place for understanding of choices we are not making, as well as those we should be making. And my hope is further reinforced by interactions in the arenas of my life that are filled with people looking for such an option. I appreciate the work to bring about an option to extend our collective understanding. Bob Holliday

Ed Klinge wrote: Thank you for all the work that has occurred to prepare a way for people to begin to look at what the terrorist attack lifts up for our nation and all humanity to reflect upon. This initiative will help those of us who get involved to begin to discover what we as humans need to become to be more in harmony with the biosphere, so we can stop being robbers of the future of our children and their children. As we go forward we will need to develop a process and take on active roles to help to enable the development of a collective higher soul and spiritual awakening in order to define the paradigms that will move our nation and world to higher ground. One form of process is the Morphogenetic Systems Web Site exchanges through which we can further develop our understanding of what humanity's new world paradigms need to be. Beyond this exchange we need to answer the question: how will this be complemented with face to face opportunities for people who choose enter into this initiative with us? Another area to further explore is to start sharing how we are acting out on this thinking by undertaking individual and collective roles. One such role that we are considering is to design and conduct a community dialogue using the ideas being presented here. I am looking forward to the reflections and interchanges we will be sharing. Ed Klinge

Our experience of this is at once revering distinctiveness while feeling an overwhelming sense of peace and unity with all. What if we could select an ancient place on this globe that was known as the silk road? All walks of nations could engage in its regeneration both in fact and in symbol. It could become the Camp David of the world. The place on this planet in which planetary undertakings would be developed through meaningful dialogue.

Morphogenetic Systems - Regenerating Humanity response to Ed Klinge:

We intend to put out an ongoing series of communiques that are aimed at stimulating interactive and dialogical processes that hopefully can be conducted on a face to face basis as well as through the web. We hope that different nodes in a network will develop in this country as well as in other countries where these ideas are further developed and propogated by dialogue processes. We feel that it is essential to produce energy centers seeking to implant higher order energies throughout the globe such that humand kind starts seeking different orders of solution than the customary exchange of aggresive acts.

Coalescence of Communiqué One 11/2/01

What is the seedbed of terrorism and what do we need to do to change this seedbed? Terrorism is a response to unwanted suppression and attacks the supply of the life blood of the antagonist and strikes fear into its citizenry. Morphogenesis is a process of bringing out the essence energies of a people and of a place to a degree such that the place itself stimulates communion between kindred spirits throughout different areas and among different belief types. Ultimately it is possible for us to bring new higher order energies to location on the planet (planetarize humanitarianism). These would be areas within which we could exchange both the best that we can create and the best of what we are.

We have sought to provide a case for dialogue as the essence process required for reconciliation of the world situation in the Mid East. In recent history, people of the Western World have acted from a superordinate position in regard to the peoples of the lesser developed world. Westerners initially colonized the less developed parts of the world. In so doing they set up tiered governments where the government of the colony was subordinate to the government of colonizing nations. We have moved away from the direct control of colonization. Instead of colonization westerners seek to try to predominate in influencing the alliances between nations and the goals that nations give allegiance to. The less developed elements of the world experience the combination of diplomacy and militancy the western world exercises to achieve its ends, as imperialism.

The seedbed of negative energy that has developed as a response to western interventions will most likely generate ongoing support for terrorist activities. Our conclusion is that in order to develop any lasting solutions we need to focus on a geographical area that encompasses the different societies involved. In this area we need to, through dialogue, develop interventions that planetarize the higher order energies that mankind can develop. Doing this requires networking kindred spirits in a dialogical process to bring about this planeterization of energies in an arena similar to that encompassed by the old Silk Road.


(Required Energization)

Our first communiqué focused on regeneration and a transcendent intent. In this coalesced communiqué we are focusing on caring and have therefor developed the following corresponding unifying aims.

First Part of Transcendent Intent - To shift the focus of energies of civilized entities to lifting up the efforts of humanity toward pursuing higher order ends.

First Part of Unifying Aims - To achieve a way of life that unifies us into mutual care for one another. This is an impossible dream only if the terrorists hang on to the need for retribution for our desacrilizing of their holy places and the secularization of their culture, and we require the retribution of incarceration or punishment for all who are terrorists. We need to ascend out thoughts to the level where we become common in what we regard as being sacred with the common pursuit of bringing all of humanity into common sacred beliefs.

Second Part of Transcendent Intent - Through dialogue processes focused on gaining alignment to paradigms which refocus us on ends that regenerate the natural potential of all living systems.

Second Part of Unifying Aims - As we generate the spirit to create a new soul that embodies a new nature of thought against which we design our systems and processes will lead us to reverence for:

• The creative capacities of each culture,

• The distinctive goals that represent the super-ordinate beliefs for each culture,

• The obligation we all have to create the quality of humanity that represents our deepest longings to the need to refocus our aspirations toward the recreation of the earth that enable future generations to engage in life from a new plateau of greater potential. In order to do this, we need to remember that we all come from and are of service to a universal God that call upon us to live from a place that represents the best of us and that our only real life comes from serving His needs.

Third Part of Transcendent Intent - While remembering that the beauty and value of God’s and man’s creation stem from bringing forth their unique essence.

Third part of Unifying Aims - A great deal of how we develop and how all living things develop stems from the stream of existence from which we emanate. There is however a unique energetic quality embodied in all living things (and perhaps in all things) that is related to the unique identity and the unique potential of that thing in particular. Therefor all things come from two sources. Whereas that which is generated from previous existence is normally visible and available, that which is unique is an inner quality which must come into appreciation by developing deeper knowledge and understanding of the particular. However we gradually discover that the inner aspect of things is the only real thing. When “the real thing” becomes that which we relate to, we find that the thing, place, or person continuously blossoms forth with new potentiality, greater beauty, and enables us to be humble in the eyes of what God can create.

Why do we think a military strategy is doomed to failure?


(1) It is the underlying cause and the deep-seated emotions relating to the conflict that new paradigms and pursuits must reconcile and dissipate.

(2) We are fooled if we think we are dealing with people led by perverted leaders with “magical” powers.

(3) The multitudes involved in cheering responses to the terrorists attack indicate a preponderance of recruits is available to the “terrorists process.”

(4) Our “lashing out” responses will most likely result in perpetuation and reinforcement.

(5) Search and destroy will not work because the “terrorist network” occupies no fixed territory, requires no government support and can operate on a total non-formal basis.

If these premises are accurate, then a militaristic approach has very little chance of any success. We therefore need to solve the problem at a different level, i.e. that level represented in the intent.

The thinking that flows from this intent and these premises follows:



To crystallize a higher order world soul through creating contemplative thought about the cosmic paradigms that should guide our existential pursuits – in a way that we generate communing nodes of a network through all walks of humanity—such that our responses come from those hearts that put humanity first, not retribution.

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